I am using PLX SDK 7.1. Is there any PLX API available to create and send a MsgD(Vendor Defined Message) packet to a PCI device?
Thanks in advance, Muthu
Answer by
Robert Polubinski
This question has already been tackled here. Follow the instructions on the related answer to get information about the API availability and usage for this product.
I am using PLX SDK 7.1. Is there any PLX API available to create and send a MsgD(Vendor Defined Message) packet to a PCI device?
Thanks in advance.
Answer by
Alex Urbach
You have to check the built-in user guide for the PLX SDK. I managed to load the user guide from the available websites through the Google's WebCache because the official website isn't loading properly. In the user guide, you will find all the necessary information related to API availability, usage, and installation.
I am using PLX SDK 7.1. Is there any PLX API available to create and send a MsgD(Vendor Defined Message) packet to a PCI device?
Thanks in advance,
This question has already been tackled here. Follow the instructions on the related answer to get information about the API availability and usage for this product.
I am using PLX SDK 7.1. Is there any PLX API available to create and send a MsgD(Vendor Defined Message) packet to a PCI device?
Thanks in advance.
You have to check the built-in user guide for the PLX SDK. I managed to load the user guide from the available websites through the Google's WebCache because the official website isn't loading properly. In the user guide, you will find all the necessary information related to API availability, usage, and installation.
Here is the link that you have to access: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.inst.bnl.gov/~jfried/SEB/software/JUNK/unix/pcisdk300/Documentation/pci%2520sdk%2520user%27s%2520manual.pdf